Zuo Jia
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) 09/2019-Present
Weihai, China
- Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
- Major: Measurement and Control Technology and Instruments
- GPA:83.89/100
- IELTS: 6.0
718 Smart Car Laboratory
- Manager
The laboratory is known as the cradle of scientific innovation in the school. It uses the Intelligent Car Race as a platform to systematically train freshmen and provide talents for various high-level laboratories, reaching more than 1,000 students every year.
During her tenure:
Expanded the laboratory technology system from the electronic control-based type into a highly cross-integrated type of electronic control, computer vision, and structural design.
HERO Competitive Robot Team
- Vice Leader & Project Manager
In ROBOMASTER 2021, the most influential robot competition for college students in China:
Took over the job of vice leader in 4 months;
Coordinated with the Leader to manage the project development;
Completed the embedded algorithm work;
Accomplished the systematic reconstruction of the infantry hero robot code and the optimization of the PTZ control algorithm.
- Team Leader
Promoted as the team leader in the new season of ROBOMASTER 2022: In charge of the electronic control technology group;
Reorganizd the team from the original “122 type” (1 brand, 2 teams, 2 projects) to “112 type” (1 brand, 1 team, 2 projects);
Optimized resource allocation and technical collaboration;
Developed and adopted a set of team-friendly project management processes.
Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling
- Team Leader
Led a team in the competition for 4 times:
Acquired a fresh insight of mathematics to support the scientific and technological research;
Accumulated experiences in literature reviews and academic writings.
718 Smart Car Laboratory11/2019-09/2020
11/2019-09/2020 Embedded Engineer
- Developed an electric self-balancing two-wheeler.
National College Students Smart Car Competition
Accomplished a balancing and motion algorithm based on PID cascade controller to control the uprightness and movement of the two-wheeler. Accomplished an electromagnetic tracking algorithm based on PID controller. Accomplished a tracking algorithm adapted to complex road sections (such as roundabouts, sharp turns, ramps, etc.). Accomplished an attitude algorithm based on Kalman filter using six axis attitude sensor.
- Developed an electronic smart watch.
National Undergraduates Electronic Design Competition
Show informations like date and time.
Use OLED and buttons to achieve human-device interaction, implementing menu algorithm.
Measure body temperature and automatically refresh and draw a line graph of temperature over time.
Light the watch screen automatically when lift the wrist and detect the sleep posture based on anti-bright screen algorithm.
Detect movement of people and record steps.
HERO Competitive Robot Team 09/2020 – Present
RoboMaster High School Series Competition
09/2020 – Present Embedded Engineer
- Designed and developed independently the electronic control software architecture based on RT-Thread.
Code design and writing of the robot’s electronically controlled PTZ, including:
Two-axis PTZ control based on cascade PID;
Temperature Controller Algorithm Based on Special PID Gyroscope;
Algorithms for remote control of robot bombing, movement, vision-based automatic aiming and attacking target,etc.;
Fix errors in peripheral driver codes such as CAN, PWM, etc. in RT-Thread.
- Developed motor intelligent control board software:
Achieved the automatic initial position calibration of the motor, angle/speed closed loop, etc.;
Automatic processing mechanism of master and slave machine disconnection, motor stall and disconnection alarm, etc.;
01/2021 – 04/2021 Vision/Algorithm Engineer
- Accomplished anti-jamming Adaptive Exposure Algorithm
Automatically identify and remove large light spots such as windows, and use PI controller to achieve automatic exposure for later target detection.
Mathematical Modeling Contest(CUMCM) 09/2020-Present
Team leader
- Used Python and MatheMatica to complete model building, random map generation, shortest path algorithm and visualization;
- Used Python to complete TOPSIS comprehensive analysis, gray correlation analysis, and use Networkx to visualize node influence;
- Used Python and SPSS to explore ethanol catalysis based on multivariate ANOVA, Spearman correlation coefficient analysis, MLP;and optimized the process conditions for the preparation of C4 Olefins by chemical coupling.
- Modeled and studied the factors that affect fairness in the world and accomplished the paper writing.
- Programming language: C > Python > C++ > Assembly > Verilog
- Platform: STM32, MSP430, STC, LPC, Linux
- Software: Skilled with Keil, IAR, LabView, SPSS; familiar with MATLAB, Webots, Solidworks
- Embedded Real-Time Systems (RTOS): RT-Thread
National-Level Awards:
- 2nd Prize in the Final Round of the National College Students’ RoboMaster 2021 robotic Competition(The largest and most influential robot competition of China)
- 2nd Prize in 2021 Higher Education Cup National Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling
Regional-Level Awards:
- 1st Prize in the Eastern Division of the National College Students’ RoboMaster 2022 robotic Competition
- 1st Prize in the Northern Division of the National College Students’ RoboMaster 2021 robotic Competition
Provincial-Level Awards:
- 1st Prize in the 11th Shandong University Student Science and Technology Festival - Science and Technology Museum Exhibit Creativity and Production Design Competition
- 2nd Prize in the National College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Shandong Division
- 2nd Prize in the Shandong Division of National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition
Other Honors and Scholarships:
- Science and Technology Innovation Scholarship, sponored by Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai), 2019-2020 Spring Semester
- Science and Technology Innovation Scholarship, sponored by Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai), 2019-2020 Fall Semester
- Outstanding Student Leader, rewared by Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai) 2019-2020
- Outstanding individual in science and technology, issued by School of Information Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai)
- Second-class Scholarship, sponored by Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai), 2020-2021 Spring Semester
- Commissary of Class 1902805 in charge of studies
- Commissary of Class 1902202 in charge of students’ psychological status
- School chorus member
- Member of the Science and Technology Innovation Center of the Student Union of School
- Teaching Assistant of Advanced Electronic Technology Course, 2019- 2020 Fall semester
- Analogue Electronic Technology Experiment (94)
- Advanced Project-driven Electronic Technology Experiment (93)
- College Computer (91)
- C Language Programming (96)
- Error Theory and Data Processing (95)
- MCU Application Expansion Experiment (95)
- Single-chip Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology (95)
- Virtual Instrument Software Design (95)
- Electronic Technology Practice (96)
- Automation Measurement Technology (92)
- Fiber-Optic Communications Technology (92)