Zuo Jia


Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) 09/2019-Present

Weihai, China


718 Smart Car Laboratory

The laboratory is known as the cradle of scientific innovation in the school. It uses the Intelligent Car Race as a platform to systematically train freshmen and provide talents for various high-level laboratories, reaching more than 1,000 students every year.

During her tenure: Expanded the laboratory technology system from the electronic control-based type into a highly cross-integrated type of electronic control, computer vision, and structural design.

HERO Competitive Robot Team

In ROBOMASTER 2021, the most influential robot competition for college students in China:

Took over the job of vice leader in 4 months;

Coordinated with the Leader to manage the project development;

Completed the embedded algorithm work;

Accomplished the systematic reconstruction of the infantry hero robot code and the optimization of the PTZ control algorithm.

Promoted as the team leader in the new season of ROBOMASTER 2022: In charge of the electronic control technology group;

Reorganizd the team from the original “122 type” (1 brand, 2 teams, 2 projects) to “112 type” (1 brand, 1 team, 2 projects);

Optimized resource allocation and technical collaboration;

Developed and adopted a set of team-friendly project management processes.

Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling

Led a team in the competition for 4 times:

Acquired a fresh insight of mathematics to support the scientific and technological research;

Accumulated experiences in literature reviews and academic writings.


718 Smart Car Laboratory11/2019-09/2020

11/2019-09/2020 Embedded Engineer

National College Students Smart Car Competition

Accomplished a balancing and motion algorithm based on PID cascade controller to control the uprightness and movement of the two-wheeler. Accomplished an electromagnetic tracking algorithm based on PID controller. Accomplished a tracking algorithm adapted to complex road sections (such as roundabouts, sharp turns, ramps, etc.). Accomplished an attitude algorithm based on Kalman filter using six axis attitude sensor.

National Undergraduates Electronic Design Competition

Show informations like date and time. Use OLED and buttons to achieve human-device interaction, implementing menu algorithm. Measure body temperature and automatically refresh and draw a line graph of temperature over time. Light the watch screen automatically when lift the wrist and detect the sleep posture based on anti-bright screen algorithm. Detect movement of people and record steps.

HERO Competitive Robot Team 09/2020 – Present

RoboMaster High School Series Competition

09/2020 – Present Embedded Engineer

Code design and writing of the robot’s electronically controlled PTZ, including:

Two-axis PTZ control based on cascade PID;

Temperature Controller Algorithm Based on Special PID Gyroscope;

Algorithms for remote control of robot bombing, movement, vision-based automatic aiming and attacking target,etc.;

Fix errors in peripheral driver codes such as CAN, PWM, etc. in RT-Thread.

Achieved the automatic initial position calibration of the motor, angle/speed closed loop, etc.;

Automatic processing mechanism of master and slave machine disconnection, motor stall and disconnection alarm, etc.;

01/2021 – 04/2021 Vision/Algorithm Engineer

Automatically identify and remove large light spots such as windows, and use PI controller to achieve automatic exposure for later target detection.

Mathematical Modeling Contest(CUMCM) 09/2020-Present

Team leader



National-Level Awards:

Regional-Level Awards:

Provincial-Level Awards:

Other Honors and Scholarships: